Regina Hübner - Dear Cell - Forum Austriaco di Cultura Roma
Catalogue on occasion of the exhibition 30 March - 5 may 2023.
FOCUS #1 IMéRA/AMU - Perception of Self and Nonself in Life / Dear Cell / Regina Hübner, November 2020
Pubblication on the research-project Perception of Self and Nonself in Life / Dear Cell / Regina Huebner, by IMéRA Aix-Marseille Université CNRS, Inserm, CIML Centre d'Immunologie de Marseille-Luminy, November 2020.
Texts by Denis Bertin (President IMéRA), Philippe Pierre (Director CIML), Arnulf Rohsmann (Art Historian), Regina Hübner, and the letters From ME-researcher to you-object and From YOU-object to me-researcher by the Protagonists (Researchers CIML and Inmed).
Télérama, Débats & Reportages - Arts & Expositions, 16 February 2021.
Quand scientifiques et artistes unissent leurs forces by Lorraine Rossignol
Die Brücke Kulturzeitschrift Kärnten, Nr. 20 Oct-Nov 2020, regina hübner auf der manifesta 13: dear cell,
by Arnulf Rohsmann
MANIFESTA 13 - Regina Hübner - Cell, forschung und eros, text by Arnulf Rohsmann, Ed. Regina Hübner, November 2020
Turbulences Vidéo #102, pages 32-102, Portrait d'artiste Regina Hübner, 2019
Texts and interviews by Roberto Annecchini, Kisito Assagni, Regina Huebner, Elisabeth Guelli, Claudia Schauss, Gabriel Soucheyre. Read here:
Video Portrait Series, 2021
Exhibition VIDEOFORMES 2021
Telerama, Homemade #48 Regina Huebner, Videoformes 2020.
Video Portrait Series, 2018
Interview realized by students of University Clermont Auvergne, 2021
FRAC Marseille, December 2019, Synthese
Perception of Self and Nonself in Life – Dear Cell in Doing and Saying Science Differently organized by Les responsables des pôles de recherche interdisciplinaire et intersectorielle of Aix-Marseille Université, IMéRA, FRAC, CNRS, with Constance Moréteau (A*Midex), Philippe Pierre (CIML), Sandrine Roulland (CIML), Regina Hübner. (Conference, Presentation, Performative Act)
not updated...
2021 Télérama, Débats & Reportages - Arts & Expositions, Quand scientifiques et artistes unissent leurs forces, 16 February 2021, Lorraine Rossignol
2021 VIDEOFORMES, Video Portrait d'Artistes, Dear Cell - Regina Huebner, Gabriel Soucheyre
2020 Kleine Zeitung, Regina Huebner: Villacherin gewinnt Watzlawick-Kunstpreis
2020 Stadt Villach, Regina Huebner gewinnt Watzlawich-Kunstpreis
2020 Perception of Self and Nonself in Life / Dear Cell / Regina Huebner, IMéRA Aix-Marseille Université CNRS, Inserm, CIML Centre d'Immunologie de Marseille-Luminy, November 2020.
Texts by Denis Bertin (President IMéRA), Philippe Pierre (Director CIML), Arnulf Rohsmann (Art Historian), Regina Hübner, and the letters From ME-researcher to you-object and From YOU-object to me-researcher by the Protagonists (Researchers CIML and Inmed).
2020 Canvas Magazine, Art and Culture from the Middle East and Arab World, Dubai, UAE, “Audio Material”, Dana Dawud Link:
2020 ORF Austrian State Television, Regina Hübner – Dear Cell, Barbara Johanna Frank (not published)
2019 LRT Lithuanian Radio and Television, Kultūra, Karina Metrikyté
2019 Turbulences Video #102, Portrait d'artiste Regina Huebner, pag. 32-102, VIDEOFORMES Clermont-Ferrand
2019 VIDEOFORMES, Video Portrait d'Artiste, loving - Regina Huebner, Gabriel Soucheyre
2018 ORF Austrian State Television, matinee am Sonntag Regina Hübner, Helga Suppan
2018 Des Corps et des images, Pascale Weber, Turbolences Vidéo #100, pag.30, VIDEOFORMES Clermont-Ferrand, France
2017 Regina Huebner und der Milchtropfen, Iris Hofmeister, ORF Österreichischer Rundfunk Kärnten, Austria
2017 Donne & Fotografia, Silvia Bianco and Walter Liva, preface Naomi Rosenblum, lithoStampa Pasian di Prato, Udine, I
2017 Festival International d'Art Vidèo, Realite virtuelle et creation de nouveaux mondes imaginaires, Cart Blanche, by Mohamed Thara, Regina Huebner possibilities, Casablanca, Morocco
2017 FulgorAzione con l'Arte di Regina Huebner, Stefanella Baglioni and Fabrizio Radicchi, Centodue SubbianoTv/ Teletruria 2
2017 Anonymus Art, Igino Materazzi, FulgorAzione, Capolona/Arezzo, Italy
2017 regina hübner/ogni pensiero vola, Regina Regina Huebner loving - il mondo, l'uomo, il tempo, FulgorAzione, Capolona/Arezzo
2017 Regina Huebner loving - il mondo, l'uomo, il tempo, Il Segno Rivista, Italy
2016 Regina Hübner time and person, Die Brücke, Klagenfurt, Austria
2016 Die Floete und das Bild. Roberto Fabbriciani. Huebner - Lombardi, Die Brücke, Klagenfurt, A
2016 Il tempo come distanza, il tempo come permanenza: Regina Huebner e Luca Lombardi all’IIC di Vienna, AISE Agenzia Nazionale Stampa Estero
2016 Vienna - Arte, musica e immagini raccontano il tempo tra “distanza” e “permanenza” Farnesina - Ministero degli Affari Esteri
2016 Regina Hübner (Videoinstallation), Luca Lombardi (Musik), Der Falter, Vienna, A
2016 Art, music and images talk about ‘distance’ and ‘permanence’, BigItaly focus, 9Colonne, Web;
2016 Il tempo come distanza, il tempo come permanenza, Inform, Web
2016 zeit / regina hübner, Arnulf Rohsmann, MMKK Museum Moderner Kunst Kärnten, A
2016 Regina Hübner. time and person, MMKK Museum Moderner Kunst Kärnten, A
2016 Regina Hübner – time and person, EIKON, A, Web; Regina Hübner. time and person, Basis Wien, Web; Regina Huebner - time and person,, Web; Regina Hübner. time and person, Moioli Press, Web; time and person – Regina Hubner, Rivista Segno; Regina Huebner, time and person, Artslant worldwide, Web; Regina Huebner. time and person, Die Presse, Web; Regina Huebner time and person, Erlebnis, Web; Regina Huebner, “time and person”, Land Kaernten; REGINA HUEBNER: time and person, SIMs Kultur, Web; Regina Huebner. time and person, Change Art Concept, Web;
2016 regina spricht, EspoArte, Web
2016 Begegnung mit der Kuenstlerin Regina Huebner, Passenger, Web
2016 stay connected – time and person, Rivista Segno, Web
2016 regina huebner / zeit, Arnulf Rohsmann, MMKK Museum Moderner Kunst Kaernten, Klagenfurt am Woerthersee
2015 The Guardian Witness, receiving care I, The Guardian, UK
2015 Visioni notturne in riva al mare..., Giancarlo Moretti, LF Magazine
2015 MLAC Index 2000-2012, Simonetta Lux, Gangemi Editore, Rome
2015 Hat Natur Sinn?, K.U.L.M. Mitteilungen 3, Richard Frankenberger, Edition Keiper, Graz
2015 Oltre i Libri, F. Terlizzi, I. de Stefano, Biblioteca Angelica, Rome
2015 Allattare è un'arte: l'opera di Regina Huebner a CasaCorriere, Maria Luisa Villa, Corriere TV, Web
2015 latte materno, prezioso nutrimento - Un’installazione a CasaCorriere, Francesca Balboni, La 27Ora, Corriere della Sera
2015 Ein Leben als Kunstreisende zwischen Villach und Rom, Harald Schwinger, Kleine Zeitung Kaernten
2014 L'arte guarda avanti Premio Terna 06 arte contemporanea, Cristiana Collu, Gianluca Marziani, Silvana Editoriale
2014 Quando l'arte incontra il femminile by Francesca Balboni, 27esima ora, Corriere della Sera
2011 Artist highlight: Regina Huebner by Sanne Helbers,
2010 - 2005 will be inserted, soon
2005 zeit / regina hübner, Arnulf Rohsmann in Change + Partner 2001-2005
2005 Decalogo per Zeit, Regina Hübner in Change + Partner 2001-2005
2003 Vom Sehen und Hoeren anonymer Botschaften, Gerhard Mumelter, Der Standard
2002 in Una poiché fredda, - Regina Hübner per / für Megazine –, curated by Patrizia Mania.
2002 Anonymus Regina Hübner, book nr. 11 of ArtisticaMente, directed by S. Lux, coordinated by D. Scudero; Lithos Editrice Roma; curated by Regina Huebner, Simonetta Lux, Patrizia Mania.
I testimonials e la loro amica e regina / Die testimonials mit ihrer Freundin und Königin - Simonetta Lux
Il corpo dell’immagine / Der Körper des Bildes - Patrizia Mania; Proceeding # 5 - Domenico Scudero
Leitmotiv di osmosi da ‘Transfer-action’ / Leitmotiv der Osmosi durch ‘Transfer-action’ - Roberto Annecchini
Spazi della memoria / Räume der Erinnerung - Franz Niegelhell
La verità pubblica e l’archivio della vita / Die öffentliche Wahrheit und das Archiv des Lebens - Carlo Sini
2002 Anonymus. Regina Huebner. Emanuela Termini,
2002 Nella quadreria di Regina...., Maria Egizia Fiaschetti, MLAC Museo Laboratorio Arte Contemporanea, Rome
2001 Change Catalogo 1999/2000 – tra altri / u.a. Domenico Scudero, Regina Hübner
2001 Utilità di sistema – Domenico Scudero
2001 Il mare Emancipazione e Redenzione - Giacomo Zaza
2001 P.G.S. portable group show – Roberto Annecchini, Domenico Scudero
2001 Roma Contemporanea 1999 - 2001, Assessorato alla Cultura, Comune di Roma
2000 Camera della donna – Shara Wasserman; “La paura e oltre”- Marina Corona
2000 Avanguardia nel presente, Lithos Editrice, Roma / Rom – Domenico Scudero
1999 Change Catalogo 1998 – Neal Beggs, Rebecca R. Rosewarne, Domenico Scudero
1999 Erinnerungen: l’enfasi dello sguardo nel lavoro di Regina Hübner – Domenico Scudero
1998 Roma Contemporanea 1996 - 1998, Assessorato alla Cultura, Comune di Roma
1998 Presenze Femminili– Shara Wasserman, Ruth Weisberg
1998 Fuori Luogo 3 1998 – Jacopo Benci, Silvia Stucky, Regina Huebner
1997 Change Catalogo 1997 – Domenico Scudero
1997 Il Göttermilch di Regina Hübner - Patrizia Mania
Proiezione Io – Tu - Gabriele Winter
1995 Roma Contemporanea 1995, Assessorato alla Cultura, Comune di Roma
1994 Trasformazioni – Istituto Austriaco di Cultura Roma / Österreichisches Kulturinstitut Rom.
Isole - Ludovico Pratesi
1994 Isole nella Dimora – E. Realacci