2023 VILNIUS 800, City Hall, Vilnius, Lithuania, curator Gabriel Soucheyre/VIDEOFORMES, Natan Karczmar (kissing)
2023 plusDREISSIG, Galerie Freihausgasse Villach, Austria, curator Claudia Schauss (Eva und Eva)
2022 IROMEDIA, Dayhim House of Culture, Tehran, curator G. Soucheyre/VIDEOFORMES (milk)
2021 Les Jours de Lumière, Saint-Saturnin, France, Château Royal, curator G. Soucheyre/VIDEOFORMES (kissing)
2021 Galerie Freihausgasse, Villach, Austria. Figurativ und Abstrakt – Werke aus der Kunstsammlung der Stadt Villach, curated by Claudia Schauss (possibilities)
2021 VIDEOFORMES Festival, Clermont-Ferrand, France, Dear Cell
2020 BIM Bienal de la Imagen en Movimiento, Buenos Aires, Program VIDEOFRMES/Soucheyre, kissing.
Link: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=342881940263118
2020 Užupis Film Festival, Klaipeda, Lithuania, in OPEN><CLOSED curated by G. Soucheyre/VIDEOFORMES. kissing
2020 Now & After International Video Art Festival, Contemporary Art Center Winzavod, Moscow, Russia, in Watch me curated by VIDEOFORMES/G. Soucheyre. kissing
2020 OVER THE REAL, Lucca Film Festival, Italy, in Watch me curated by VIDEOFORMES/G. Soucheyre. kissing
2020 ADAF Athen, Greece, Festivals of The World in Is this real? program by VIDEOFORMES. loving
2020 Goethe Institut Dubai, Analog Room Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Xperimental AV program by VIDEOFORMES. never enough (yes), connecting times/relationships
2020 Gamma Festival ARTYPICAL, Moscow, Russia, Cinematisme X-Perimental curated by Videoformes/G. Soucheyre. loving
2020 Analog Room, Jameel Arts Centre, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, X-Perimental, curated by G. Soucheyre/VODEOFORMES. loving; about you and me; Instead, I can even laugh; about you and me (sometimes).
2019 Auckland Live Digital Stage, New Zealand, curated by Gabriel Soucheyre/VIDEOFORMES. I can even laugh, I am walking, loving
2019 TICK TACK, Antwerp, Belgium, The Charon Cycle, curated by Videodrome Paris. happen and unhappen
2019 UZHUPIS FILM FESTIVAL, Neringa, Lithuania, Instead, I can even laugh
2019 Vilnius National Museum, Vilnius, Lithuania, in VIDEOFORMES Tel Aviv Vilnius Kaunas, curators G. Soucheyre, Natan Karczmar. loving, Instead, I can even laugh.
2019 Čiurlionis National Museum of Art, Kaunas, Lithuania, in VIDEOFORMES Tel Aviv Vilnius Kaunas, curators G. Soucheyre, N. Karczmar. loving, Instead, I can even laugh, I am walking.
2019 Mandel Center, Tel Aviv, Israel, in VIDEOFORMES Tel Aviv Vilnius Kaunas, curators G. Soucheyre, Natan Karczmar. loving, Instead, I can even laugh.
2019 Lucca Film Festival, Over the Real by Maurizio Marco Tozzi and Lino Strangis, Palazzo delle Esposizioni Fondazion Banca del Monte di Lucca, Lucca Italy, in Future-Present-Past curated by VIDEOFORMES – G. Soucheyre, Lucca, Italy, loving
2019 FIAV Festival International d’Art Vidéo Casablanca, Morocco, in Nature Digital curated by VDEOFORMES/G. Soucheyre, loving
2019 FIVAC Festival Internacional de Videoarte Camaguey, Cuba, in the program of VIDEOFORMES – G. Soucheyre, loving
2019 VIDEOFORMES International Digital Arts Festival, Salle Gilbert-Gaillard, Clermont-Ferrand, France, directed by Gabriel Soucheyre. loving (Group Show) http://festival2019.videoformes.com/regina-hubner/
2019 Littérature Au Centre Festival (Clermont-Ferrand), Corps encore event, healing
2019 Mandel Centre, Jaffa, Israel, Best Of Videoformes + Videocollectif, curated by Gabriel Soucheyre, Natan Karczmar. about you and me
2018 VIDEOFORMA International Video Art Festival,Sergey Kuryokhin Modern Art Center, St. Petersburg, Russia. Curated by Victoria Ilyushkina & Olesya Turkina, Gabriel Soucheyre/VIDEOFORMES. connecting times/relationships and Anonymus dedicated to Vally, (Group Show)
2018 Le Non-Lieu, Corps Encore, Symposium, Roubaix, France. Videoprogram curated by Gabriel Soucheyre/VIDEOFORMES. healing
2018 FIAV Festival International d’Art Vidéo Casablanca, Morocco, artistic director Majid Seddati, VIDEOFORMES XPERIMENTAL, curated by Gabriel Soucheyre/VIDEOFORMES. healing
2018 Gallery of Arts Temple University Rome, Rome, Italy, Tiny Biennale, curated by Susan Moore. On the beginning, there was the egg. About me and you, photograph in miniature.
2017 ADDIS VIDEO ART FESTIVAL, Addis Abeba, Ethiopia, TIME is Love.10 international video art program, curated by Kisito Assangni. loving
2017 Strangloscope - Mostra Internacional de Áudio, Vídeo/Filme e Performance Experimental, 10a edição, Florianópolis, Brazil. TIME is Love.10 international video art program, curated by Kisito Assangni. loving
2017 FVGF Friuli Venezia Giulia Fotografia 2017, Donne & Fotografia, Chiesa San Francesco, Udine, Italy, curated by Silvia Bianco Musei Civici Udine, Ken Damy Museo Brescia, Walter Liva CRAF, Comune di Udine, Alinari Firenze. Preface in catalogue by Naomi Rosenblum, texts Lorenza Bravetta , Ken Damy. Zeit, videostill, fineartprint.
2017 CAPC Musée d'Art Contemporain de Bordeaux, 1st Edition of WAC Weekend de l’Art Contemporain Bordeaux, France, International Selection curated by Mohamed Thara. loving
2017 FIAV Festival International d’Art Vidéo de Casablanca, artistic direction Majid Seddati. Sélection Internationale, Carte Blanche Mohamed Thara, L’Unzine Foundation Touria et Abdelaziz TAZI. possibilities
2017 ZKM Zentrum fuer Kunst und Medien, Karlsruhe; FIVAC Cuba; Artspace Tel Aviv, Israel; Plymouth University, GB; Sofia Underground, Bulgaria; FIVAC Festival International Video Art Camaguey, Cuba; Gallery Mcube, Lalitpur, Nepal; for TIME is Love, curated by Kisito Assangni. loving
2017 Temple Gallery of Art Rome,50x50x50, curated by Shara Wasserman. reflection and absorption, object.
2017 Temple Gallery of Art Rome, Tiny Biennale, curated by Susan Moore. healing, miniature photowork.
2015 Biblioteca Angelica, Rome, Oltre i libri: L'arte del presente incontra i libri del passato curated by Isabella di Stefano. relationships and connecting times, videoscreening. (Winner)
2014 Archivio di Stato, Turin, Italy, L'arte guarda avanti Premio Terna 06, curated by Cristiana Collu and Gianluca Marziani. journey, videoinstallation. (Finalist)
2014 change + partner contemporary art, Bracciano, Rome, organigramma X ontologia X ontology organization at a.r. living concept aesthetics room, curated by Roberto Annecchini. connecting times or 25th May 1950 and 23rd January 2012. ambientation with static projection, antique lace, fotowork. (Original photography in b/w Archiv G. Ulrich Hübner).
2012 HdkB Haus der künstlerischen Begegnung, Villach, Austria, Lange Nacht der Museen 2012. touch, ambientation with videoprojection, hanging, ancient linen, shadows.
2008 Change + Partner Contemporary Art, Rome. Nèmesi e assestamento/Settlement and nemesis, curated by R. Annecchini. artwork: touch fotowork.
2007 Change + Partner Contemporary Art, Rome. Induzione critica 2, curated by R. Annecchini; artwork: oggi sì domani no - today yes tomorrow no Text on ancient towel embroidered with monogram.
2005 Istituto Polacco di Cultura, Rome. alterità x adattamento curated by A. Jagiello and R. Annecchini. artwork: Zeit – time videoambientation. music by Luca Lombardi.
2004 CHANGE + Partner Contemporary Art, Rome. D.O.C. Deposito Ontologico Contemporaneo. curated by R. Annecchini. artwork: Erinnerungen - memories ambientation with fotoworks.
2003 Galerie Freihausgasse / Galerie der Stadt Villach – Villach, Austria. curated by R. Obud. artwork: Anonymus dedicated to Vally ambientation with 3 videoprojections on diaphanous hanging screens, 21 fotoworks and modified soundwork.
2002 Change – studio d’arte contemporanea, Rome. P.G.S. portable group show. curated by R. Annecchini and D. Scudero. artwork: Wohin - where ambientation with black/white slideprojection.
2002 Change–studio d’arte contemporanea, Rome. Surplace. curated by R. Annecchini. artwork: Ich denke an …- I’m thinking on… installation with fotowork, text and slideprojection.
2001 Sala 1, Rome. Year End Sale curated by Change–studio d’arte contemporanea, Equilibri Precari, Sala1. artwork: Körper - body fotowork.
2001 Elaine L. Jacob Gallery and Community Arts Gallery of the Wayne State University, Detroit, USA. Camera della Donna. curated by S. Dupret. artwork: Anonymus dedicated to Vally videoinstallation.
2001 MLAC Museo Laboratorio di Arte Contemporanea dell’Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza, Rome. Utilità di Sistema curated by R. Annecchini and D. Scudero. artwork: Antworten - answers videoinstallation and text.
2001 MLAC Museo Laboratorio di Arte Contemporanea dell’Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza, Rome. Musei Aperti a Porte Aperte curated by S. Lux. artwork: Antworten - answers videoinstallation and textanimation.
2001 Ex Convento di San Domenico, Molfetta, Italy. Il Mare Emancipazione e Redenzione curated by G. Zaza. artwork: Antworten - answers, videoinstallation and textanimation.
2000 Kittredge Gallery, Tacoma, Washington, USA. curated by R. Weisberg. artwork: Möglichkeiten - possibilities videoinstallation.
2000 Temple Gallery, Rome. Camera della Donna curated by S. Wasserman. artwork: Warum - why installation with object, wires, goose down, graphic lightprojection.
2000 Change – studio d’arte contemporanea and Sala 1, Rome. Home abroad - Roma project by C. Protto. artwork: Körper - body installation with videoprojection, object and fotowork.
2000 Galerie ak / Home abroad, Frankfurt/Main, Germany. viatico [vi’a:tiko] curated C. Protto. artwork: Ich denke an … - I’m thinking on… installation of 6 fotoworks.
1999 Goethe Institut, Rome. Change Catalogo 1998 text by D. Scudero. artwork: Erinnerungen per Games videoinstallation.
1999 I Liceo Artistico, Rome. Scuola aperta curated by P. Mania for Opening - Periodico d’arte contemporanea Roma. artwork: Vielleicht - maybe installation with video- and graphic- lightprojections, sound of the waves of the sea.
1999 Change – studio d’arte contemporanea, Rome. Annecchini, Beggs, Davis, Hübner text by D. Scudero. artwork: Tagebuch – day by day conceived and realized together with Roberto Annecchini, ambientation with videotape and graphic lightprojection.
1999 Claremont Gallery, Los Angeles, USA. curated by Ruth Weisberg. artwork: Möglichkeiten - possibilities videoinstallation.
1999 ak Galerie, Frankfurt/Main, Germany.Il cammino astratto curated by D. Scudero. artwork: Körper - body videowork.
1999 Change – studio d’arte contemporanea, Rome. Il cammino astratto curated by D. Scudero. artwork: Körper - body videowork.
1999 Jewett Arts Center Gallery, Wellesley, Massachusetts, USA. curated by R. Weisberg. artwork: Möglichkeiten - possibilities videoinstallation.
1998 Change - studio d’arte contemporanea, Rome. Change Catalogo 1997 texts by R. Annecchini, S. Lux, P. Mania, P. Polidori, D. Scudero, G. Winter. artwork: Erinnerungen - memories ambientation with hanging books and red lightprojection.
1998 Change – studio d’arte contemporanea, Rome. Percezione angolare text by N. Beggs. artwork: Raum - space ambientation in a corner with hanging sphere and red lightprojection.
1998 Chiesa di S. Bartolomeo, Campobasso, Italy. Fuoriluogo curated by Limiti Inchiusi, texts by J. Benci, S. Stucky, R. Hübner. artwork: Augenblicke - moments ambientation with hanging discs, red lightprojections and the sound of greek cicadas.
1998 Temple Gallery, Rome. Presenze femminili curated by S. Wasserman and R. Weisberg. artwork: Allein – alone. 2 different ambientations with hanging discs and black/white graphic- and slideprojections, sound of sea waves.
1998 Change – studio d’arte contemporanea, Rome. Annecchini, Breitenstein, Hübner, Protto. fotowork.
1998 Temple Gallery, Rome. Artisti per Opening 1998 curated by Opening - Periodico d’arte contemporanea Roma. artwork: Kuss – kiss fotowork.
1998 Change – studio d’arte contemporanea, Rome. Sub oculis hostis - At close range text by R. R. Rosewarne. artwork: Allein – alone fotowork.
1997 Change - studio d’arte contemporanea, Rome. Opening Studio curated by Opening – Periodico d’arte contemporanea Roma.
1997 Change - studio d’arte contemporanea, Rome. Sogno di una notte di mezza estate, ambientation with diaprojection.
1997 Change - studio d’arte contemporanea, Rome. Così lontano così vicino text by Gabriela Winter.
1997 Temple Gallery, Rome. Artisti per Opening 1997 curated by Opening – Periodico d’arte contemporanea Roma. artwork: Kuss - kiss, ambientation with 3 slideprojections.
1997 Change - studio d’arte contemporanea, Rome. Archivio sottotraccia, opere dal 1988 al 1997.
1995 Alien, Rome. Base x altezza curated by C. Sorrentino. artwork conceived and realized together with Roberto Annecchini (structures) and Pietro Tripodo (poem): La casta foglia poem installation with diaprojections, structures and poem.
1994 Villa Grazioli, Frascati, Rome. Per un matrimonio curated by Ludovico Pratesi. artwork: conceived and realized together with Roberto Annecchini (structures) and Mayako Kubo(music): Con-sequenze ambientation with slideprojections, structures and music.
1993 Galleria Eralov, Rome. artwork: Il cuore perduto / Verlorenes Herz, installation with steel-object, plastic-artwork and neonlight.
1993 Arbeiterkammer, Villach, Austria. Kunst von Frauen curated by Renate Obud. artwork: Il cuore perduto / Verlorenes Herz, installation with steel-object, plastic-artwork and
1991 Studio Aspera, Rome. In Vani Comunicanti conceived together with Marina Corona (poems), Adriano Vianello (scenography), Carlo Esse (music), Roberto Annecchini (structures). artwork: Il giuoco della vita / Spiel des Lebens installation with hanging plastic-artwork and slideprojections.