TIME is Love.10 - loving

Regina Huebner, loving, ZKM Zentrum fuer Kunst und Medien Karlsruhe, TIME is Love.10, 2017
Regina Huebner, loving, ZKM Zentrum fuer Kunst und Medien Karlsruhe, TIME is Love.10, 2017

The videowork loving was selected for the international videoprogram TIME is Love on its 10th edition, with international videoartists.  

In 2017 loving was screened at ZKM Zentrum für Kunst und Medien, Karlsruhe, Germany; Artspace Tel Aviv, Israel; Plymouth University, GB; FIVAC Festival Internacional de Videoarte de Camagüey, Cuba; Sofia Underground Performance Art Festival, Sofia, Bulgaria; Gallery Mcube, Lalitpur, Nepal; Experiencia HIEDRA, Buenos Aires, Argentina;
Buenos Aires - Argentina
Strangloscope Internacional de Vìdeo & Performance, Florianòpolis, Brazil; Addis Video Art Festival, Addis Abeba, Ethiopia. 


TIME is Love is an international video program curated by Kisito Assangni. https://www.timeisloveshow.org/


ZKM | Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe - GERMANY. TIME is Love.10 [Show 1], 20th January 2017

Special Thanks to Director Peter Weibel.


ARTSPACE, Tel Aviv - ISRAEL. In collaboration with MUZAPLUS. TIME is Love.10 [Show 2], 18th - 19th February 2017

Organized by Liliana Orbach. Special Thanks to Director Nir Hamat.


PLYMOUTH UNIVERSITY, Drake Circus, Plymouth - UK. In conjunction with FUTURE IMPERFECT SYMPOSIUM. TIME is Love.10 [Show 3], 1st April 2017.

Special Thanks to Dr Allister Gall.


FIVAC - International Video Art Festival of Camaguey - CUBA. TIME is Love.10 [Show 4], 4th - 9th April 2017

Special Thanks to Diana Rosa Perez.


SOFIA UNDERGROUND Performance Art Festival, Sofia - BULGARIA. TIME is Love.10 [Show 5], 24th - 29th April 2017

Special Thanks to eX Art Foundation.


GALLERY MCUBE, Lalitpur - NEPAL. TIME is Love.10 [Show 6] 16th June 2017.

Special Thanks to Manish Lal Shrestha.

EXPERIENCIA HIEDRA, Buenos Aires, Argentinia, TIME is Love.10 [Show 7] August 2017.

Special Thanks to Paula Salischker & Jacinta Racedo. 


STRANGLOSCOPE, Experimental Film, Audio & Performance Festival, Florianopolis - BRAZIL, TIME is Love.10 [Show 8] November 2017.
Special Thanks to Claudia Cardenas & Rafael Schilchting.

Addis Video Art Festival - Ethiopia, TIME is Love.10 [Show 9] Dicembre 2017.

Fendika Cultural Center, British Council, Addis Ababa Museum, National Theatre Gallery and Alle School of Fine Arts.

Special Thanks to Ezra Wube



TIME is Love.10, list of participating artists:

Abdoul-Ganiou Dermani (Togo), Alessandro Amaducci (Italy), Apotropia (Italy), Badr El Hammami (Morocco), Bamba Diop (Senegal), Betelhem Makonnen (Ethiopia), Carlo Giuseppe Zuozo (Italy), Chanchal Banga (India), Clara Aparicio Yoldi (UK), David N Allard (Netherlands), Duo Strangloscope (Brazil), Eija Temiseva (Finland), Eleonora Manca (Italy), Enoh Lienemann (Nigeria), Fenia Kotsopoulou (Greece) & Daz Disley (UK), Francesca Bonci (Italy), Francesca Lolli (Italy), Gianluca Capozzi (Italy), Guli Silberstein (UK), Haleh Jamali (Iran), Irina Gabiani (Luxembourg), Joas Nebe (Germany), Kai welf Hoyme (Germany), Karl Ingar Röys (Norway), Kent Anderson Butler (USA), Kokou Ekouagou (Togo), Laura Focarazzo (Argentina), Liliana Orbach (Israel), Lisi Prada (Spain), LucFosther Diop (Cameroon), Marta Azparren & Sergio Blardony (Spain), Marie Paule Bilger (France), Mathilde Veyrunes (Canada), Mohamed Thara (Morocco), Noa Nahari (Israel/Germany), Olga Guse (Russia), Pedro SanchezIII (USA), Piyali Ghosh (India), Regina Huebner (Austria), Roman Gomes (Argentina), Shivkumar KV (India), Simone Stoll (Germany), Slawomir Milewski (Poland), SN (USA), Tahir Un (Turkey), Valeria Lo Meo & Michele Manzini (Italy), Viviana Druga (Germany), Zlatko Cosic (Bosnia).


TIME is Love https://www.timeisloveshow.org/about