
© Copyright 2023 by Regina Hübner (Regina Huebner), all rights reserved. © By the authors when indicated. 


All material and projects published on this website remain the exclusive copyright of Regina Hübner.

Without the written consent of the artist Regina Hübner, no download is permitted, no contents, including text, photographs, videos, concepts, etc. may not be reproduced in whole or in part, no material or contents may not be reproduced in any other forms, as photographs, paintings or other, or reproduced in whole or in part on the world wide web or in real by techniques of mirroring, framing, posting or traditional techniques as design, painting, etc.

Some copyrights may be also by the authors and/or the editors as indicated. 



For contact, further informations and authorizations, please write to:

regina.huebner[at]reginahuebner.net or regina.renbeuh[at]gmail.com