Kommunikation Beziehung Wirklichkeit zu Ehren von Paul Watzlawick, 2021.
To receive the Price for Culture 2022 of the City of Villach, Kulturpreis 2022 der Stadt Villach, is a big honour and like an embrace from my beloved birthtown! (R.H.)
Laudatio by Arnulf Rohsmann, regina!
The Austrian Newspaper Kleine Zeitung highlights every year personalities in the categories of culture, sports, entrepreneurship, strong personalities and young talents.
The voting was open to everybody until 31 December 2021.
I was elected "Kopf des Jahres" (person of the year) in the category "Culture - Villach & Klagenfurt" by the readers of the newspaper Kleine Zeitung. Vielen lieben Dank!
Laudatio by Martin Johaim, Kleine Zeitung.
Announcement of the winners at a gala event in Klagenfurt, Austria, April 2022. Link of the event.
Permanent Artwork in public space in honour to Paul Watzlawick on his centenary, comissioned throughout an anonymous open competition by the City of Villach. Paul Watzlawick (Villach 1921 - Palo Alto 2007)
KOMUNIKATION-BEZIEHUNG-WIRKLICHKEIT zu Ehren von Paul Watzlawick, Kurpark Warmbad, Kadischenalle, Villach, Austria.
© Regina Huebner 2023